A layout for this morning, that I started last night. A picture of my daughter at 2 years old. I just love this picture, she looks so innocent.
This one came together fairly quickly. I didn't struggle with the patterned paper, but I did struggle in a few other places. For the picture, I had it matted in black, white, yellow and black again but I just didn't like it, so I removed all but the first black matte and I'm happier with it. The other part that I struggled with was the yellow, I tried out 3 different shades before I settled on this one. Thanks for looking!
This one came together fairly quickly. I didn't struggle with the patterned paper, but I did struggle in a few other places. For the picture, I had it matted in black, white, yellow and black again but I just didn't like it, so I removed all but the first black matte and I'm happier with it. The other part that I struggled with was the yellow, I tried out 3 different shades before I settled on this one. Thanks for looking!
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